The 196-algorithm involves iterative execution of the following steps:
1) Reverse digits of base 10 number;
2) Add original base 10 number to number attained in Step #1;
3) Repeat above process until palindrome (i.e., written left-to-right or right-to-left is the same) number is attained.
All single digit and double digit numbers eventually become palindromes after repeated reversal and addition.
Approximately 80% of all numbers under 10,000 resolve into a palindrome in four or fewer steps while about 90% solve in seven iterations or less.
The number 196 is a number, which has yet to produce a palindrome using this technique.
Example #1:
Employ the 196-algorithm on the number 399 to ascertain a palindrome.
399 + 993 = 1392
1392 + 2931 = 4323
4323 + 3234 = 7557
Employ the 196-algorithm on the number 4932 to ascertain a palindrome.
Employ the 196-algorithm on the number 399 to ascertain a palindrome.
Solution #1:
399 + 993 = 1392
1392 + 2931 = 4323
4323 + 3234 = 7557
Example #2:
Employ the 196-algorithm on the number 4932 to ascertain a palindrome.
Solution #2:
4932 + 2394 = 7326
7326 + 6237 = 13563
13563 + 36531 = 50094
50094 + 49005 = 99099
4932 + 2394 = 7326
7326 + 6237 = 13563
13563 + 36531 = 50094
50094 + 49005 = 99099